Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Vampire Diaries - the CW


Now, I know this show isn't new, by any means, but I have recently rekindled my love for it. I've kept up on it ever since it started, but Netflix recently put it on instant queue so I started over this weekend.  I love this show.  I definitely think it isn't fair that Nina Dobrev gets to be surrounded by hot men all day, but that's life. Lucky her.

In the whole realm of Vampire inspired literature (if some of it can be called that) and TV/movie shows currently popular, I really think this show takes the cake.  No, it doesn't have the crazies following it like Twilight does, but I really think that's a plus for this show.   It's more mature, I think.  The actors are just better all around, incredibly better, and while the whole vampire-werewolf-human-blah-blah-blah thing is just getting so tired, I actually want to see more.  On the other hand, I can't even go to the book store anymore. Every other book is a book about Vampires in some capacity, and they're all generic trash.  The books that this show is loosely based off of were written before the craze, and while I haven't read them, I'd be willing to be that their quality surpasses the rest of them.

Now, I get nerdy.

Vampire lore is old, and varied.  But lately, it's gotten a little ridiculous.   Vampires sparkle? And other than ripping a vampire to pieces and burning him, they're indestructible? Eh.  Vampires aren't like super-ultra-modern hippies.  They're freaking vicious killers.  The Vampire Diaries shows that, but it also shows that they do have weaknesses.  Vervain, wood, etc. And the whole sun thing.  That's way better. I like the more traditional list of vampiric traits, I guess.  Yes, I think vampires can be humans, as in with feelings and falling in love, but to make them seem like essentially helpless little puppies who wouldn't hurt a fly? I don't know about that.

As you can probably tell at this point, I'm mainly comparing this to Twilight. But that's fine. Twilight is the poster child for the vampire obsession going on in TV and literature right now. I think it's excellent that the Vampire Diaries has found a way to make vampires current without taking away all the scary goosebump-raising that vampires are all about.

It's a few episodes into the 3rd season now, on the CW on Thursdays at 8/7c.  And like I said earlier, the first 2 seasons are on Netflix instant queue.  Check it out. You'll be obsessed after just a few episodes.

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